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Sunday, October 6, 2013
Tips for Tackling Lower Back Pain
Following any period of prolonged inactivity, begin a program of regular low-impact exercises. Speed walking, swimming, or stationary bike riding 30 minutes a day can increase muscle strength and flexibility. Yoga can also help stretch and strengthen muscles and improve posture. Ask your physician or orthopedist about exercises appropriate for your age and designed to strengthen lower back and abdominal muscles. Basically, it's all about the core. And don't forget to stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity.
Don’t slouch when standing or sitting. When standing, keep your weight balanced on your feet. Your back supports weight most easily when curvature is reduced.
At home or work, make sure your work surface is at a comfortable height for you. Sitting in a chair with good lumbar support and proper position and height will help tremendously. Keep your shoulders back. Switch sitting positions often and periodically walk around the office or gently stretch muscles to relieve tension. A pillow or rolled-up towel placed behind the small of your back can provide some lumbar support. And skip the high-heeled shoes no matter how great you look in them -- i's just not worth it.
Sleep on your side to reduce any curve in your spine. Always sleep on a firm surface.
Ask for help when transferring an ill or injured family member from a reclining to a sitting position or when moving the patient from a chair to a bed.
Don’t try to lift objects that are too heavy. Lift with your knees, pull in your stomach muscles, and keep your head down and in line with your straight back. Keep the object close to your body. Do not twist when lifting.
Maintaining proper nutrition and diet to reduce and prevent excessive weight, especially weight around the waistline that taxes lower back muscles hepls as well. A diet with sufficient daily intake of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D helps to promote new bone growth. A daily multiviamin isn't a bad idea.
Finally, if you smoke, quit. Smoking reduces blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs to degenerate.
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